Armpit hair removal
For women, a dark underarm area is a very annoying problem that makes women always lose confidence when wearing sexy outfits. As for women who do not have dark underarms, they also feel extremely uncomfortable with the condition that armpit hair grows very quickly. Have to regularly pluck armpit hair, don't waste time with them, come to Hoa Anh right away.
Armpit hair removal at prestigious cosmetic centers large and small is currently being loved by women. Using the most modern hair removal technology today, DPL Hoa Anh, will not let any hairs return to your armpits.
Safe, stable good effect, 99% hair removal to the root that's what will bring you
What is permanent hair removal?
Permanent hair removal is a method of removing stem cells from the treatment area to prevent hair cells from regrowing and slow their growth rate. This means that this area of skin will not grow new hair once the hair removal process is complete.
How Much Does Hair Removal Include? The number of package removals will be different for each hair removal service at different spas. But the popular hair removal packages in Spas are generally 10 times. Why does hair removal treatment have to be done 10 times?