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What are filler injections? Fast for how long?

Blog share | 02/01/2023 | 848 view
Why should abstain after injecting beauty Filler?
 According to experts and cosmetologists, Filler is a filler that is not harmful to our body, this compound is applied to help people beautify safely. However, if you want to ensure the best quality and effectiveness that Filler brings, it is extremely important to abstain after injection. Because this will directly affect the process of recovery, stability and the ability to help Filler shape the skeleton in the skin tissue. Researchers have found that if people after having Filler injections eat some foods containing too much sodium in the first few days, there is an 80% chance it will cause complications such as redness, festering, inflammation and pain. If the case is severe, the body will not produce antibodies to fight back, which will cause the skin tissue to become necrotic and deform the face. Therefore, many people wonder what should be avoided after Filler injection to avoid affecting the skin recovery process, stabilizing the filler injection site to achieve the best aesthetic results. Check out the foods to avoid below!
What does Filler injections do?
 If you are wondering what to do with Filler injections, please see the list of foods and drinks that need to be avoided in the first 7-10 days after beautifying with fillers! 1. Water spinach If you are wondering what to eat with Filler, the first food you need to remember is water spinach. This vegetable is a food capable of causing keloid scars at the site of an open wound. Although Filler injection, does not cause large openings on the skin, if during the injection process has not completely healed, eating water spinach can cause the wound to form a keloid. Therefore, it is necessary to abstain from eating water spinach within the first 10 days to ensure that the wound is not adversely affected.


2. Seafood Next,

if you don't know what to abstain after Filler injection, it will be seafood. Because this food contains a very high protein content, it promotes the healing process of the skin at a faster rate than usual. When the amount of protein loaded into the body is excessive, it will cause the formation of small fleshy tumors, keloid scars in open wounds, unsightly. Therefore, please abstain from eating seafood within the first 10 days after Filler injection!

3. Beef and chicken 
Beef and chicken are two foods that need to be abstained after Filler injection. In fact, these two meats will not cause your open wound to become inflamed or scar. But according to doctors, beef and chicken cause itching, darkening at the injection site. In order to avoid the appearance of itching and darkening problems at the Filler injection site, affecting the wound recovery process, you need to abstain from eating beef and chicken for the first 10 days!

4. Types of sticky foods After Filler injection,
 what else should we avoid? The next answer is the dishes made from sticky rice. Some foods such as sticky rice, banh tet, banh chung, glutinous rice wine, etc. are made from glutinous rice and should be abstained for 10-14 days. Because the folds can affect the injection area, it will become infected, fester, and take a long time to heal. If it is more serious, it can cause deep ulcers to open wounds, destroy skin tissue, and fill other parts of the nose with Filler injection. Therefore, women should remember not to eat dishes made from glutinous rice after injecting fillers!

5. Limit eating some spice
 For spices we do not abstain, but according to doctors after Filler injection, it is necessary to limit eating too many spices such as onions, garlic, chili, pepper. This helps the wound recovery process to be stable, natural, unaffected, and hinders the regeneration and formation of new skin tissue.

6. Foods high in sodium
 The important thing that doctors want you to remember about what to eat with Filler injections is to limit or best not use foods that contain a lot of sodium, ie foods that are high in sodium. Food is wet with a lot of salt, preserved with a large amount of salt. The foods that have a lot of these substances are cheese, salted vegetables, canned fish, sausages, biscuits, etc. High sodium content in the body will cause the Filler injection area to swell and become severely swollen, even. can lead to ulceration, infection, and necrosis of open wounds. So you need to avoid eating foods that contain a lot of sodium.

How long do Filler injections take? 
After knowing what to abstain from Filler injections to ensure a quick and stable wound recovery, we also need to pay attention to the abstinence time, to help ensure the highest aesthetic effect. According to doctors, the injection of Filler and for how long will depend on the location of each person. However, to ensure the best quality and safety for health, it is necessary to abstain from eating the above foods within 10-14 days. Because after 30 days, the new Filler injection parts are completely stable, so abstaining for 2 weeks will help the wound recover better. Besides, eat a lot of foods rich in vitamins, minerals, water, etc. to help stimulate quick wound recovery.
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